• Beaded Jewelry

    Beaded Jewelry (1)

    Individually hand-strung beaded jewelry of various styles for both men and women of any age.
  • Donations

    Donations (3)

    All donations are placed into the Green Rose Fund for further support of the Green Rose Mission. For more information on how your donations are used simply click the "make a donation" button above.
  • Framed Art

    Framed Art (19)

    All framed works of art are handmade reproductions of original pieces on high gloss premium card stock shipped with or without frame and stand. *Frames may not be as depicted in product preview, and may vary in style depending on availability.
  • Jigsaw Puzzles

    Jigsaw Puzzles (1)

    These jigsaw puzzles were hand-drawn by artist Shawn Malzahn and are printed on sturdy professional gloss pieces.
  • Poem Banners

    Poem Banners (4)

    Poem banners of high quality resolution printed on vinyl mat to be displayed indoors. All poem banners have custom photoshopped backgrounds that help direct the imagination while emphasizing the essence of the words themselves. All works are crafted by Shawn Malzahn and can be customized to suit your needs on a per request basis.